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Thursday, 28 September 2017

Potential Match

I keep reminding myself that the email ends with:

Please note at this stage this is a chance for you to work with the potential dog so that we can assess if she is suitable, she is not definitely the dog for you. Matching visits are not always successful and the trainer ultimately has the final decision as to whether the match is to go ahead. If this match is not successful you will go back onto the waiting list at your current position until we find another potential dog.

...but it's really hard not to get excited!

On Tuesday afternoon, I got the call that I've been waiting for since forever. Well, okay, it's only been about 2 or 3 years but it feels like forever. The lady started off, just asking me about my work circumstances and whether anything significant has changed. Then she told me she's been training a black labrador puppy and she thinks it may be the dog for me.

I'm going next week to meet this potential assistance dog. I'll spend three hours or so working with her to find out whether we are going to be a good match or not. If it's a match, then I'll be booked onto a 2 week training course and could be home with my dog before the end of November.

I can't even describe what this feels like. I dropped my pen at work yesterday and it went under my desk. Normally I get frustrated because I have to ask someone to help me but I just smiled because there's a light at the end of the tunnel and even if this isn't a match, I'm at the top of the list now, so something will happen soon.

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